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Within the first hour of launching on the crowdfunding platform, Kickstarter, we reached our initial funding goal for Event Horizon: Stories of No Turning Back. We are so grateful for this early enthusiasm that has us going over 8K strong, still with 20 days to go. This 240 page full color genre-bending book that combines prose, comics, canvas work and photography is a grand undertaking, and this “kickstart” certainly gives us that needed push for full publication. Do check out our campaign and consider joining us, whether the book excites your interest, you’re a fan of the array of artists in here, or supporting independent artists and presses is a meaningful endeavor for you. We are live until May 10th: every pledge counts.

Almost one month away from our Kickstarter campaign on 4/9/2024 and we’re so excited about sharing the trailers we have for Event Horizon: Stories of No Turning Back!  Our story-driven trailer is meant to excite readers with curiosity, with a narration of prose layered over comics in the collection that come together in story-unity. Are we in somebody’s living room? Are we by the Mediterranean sea? Is this even Earth?! Goodness, is it space? It’s all of there and that. Ah, the joys of singularities.


Are you making a movie?

Our friends and circles ask us this question, understandably, because maybe book trailers aren’t so common, or specifically trailers that utilize comic work and illustrations in such an animated way.  We aren’t selling you a movie: you are being teased to read a book (a very good book), and so here is our concept-driven video that walks you through exactly what this genre and medium bending book is all about. The who’s and how’s.


Be sure you’re registered for launch notification to give us that needed momentum for a strong Kickstarter start, and to grab some stickers on your way to the