Stephanie’s critically acclaimed work can be found in numerous anthologies, magazines, co-creator digital mediums, and creator-owned platforms. She’s the recipient of the 2022 Chautauqua Janus Prize, and is a graduate of Columbia University (MPH) and The University of Michigan (BS). Visit her author website for a full biography.
Cyrus is principally a community physician activist concentrating his healing work within the immigrant and diverse communities of Manhattan. A Michigan-raised child of Honduran and Iranian heritage, he majored in Russian literature at Harvard and counts graffiti stylewriting, Taller Gráfica Popular and contemporary Latin American xilografía, Black printmaking greatness and Persian miniaturist art among his principal inspirations in art and fine press collecting and collaboration. Chief among his numerous artistic curations and collaborations over the past 20+ years are major University and medical campus events involving: acclaimed and Pulitzer Prize winning authors, playwrights, musicians, poets and legendary stylewriters.

About JPP
We’re a small publishing imprint and US registered trademark of Zoe Health, LLC. The press serves as a platform for selected prose and comics of author Stephanie Nina Pitsirilos and as a boutique publisher to artist commissioned pieces, artist’s books and print collections. We support the craftmanship of bookmaking. Janus Point also serves as a creative hub for artists.
What is “Janus Point”
“The Janus Point” is a term coined by physicist Julian Barbour. In his theory of time it’s described as “a unique point of minimal size in the history of the universe”, the Big Bang moment when time arrowed out in two directions with increasing complexity of matter. The Janus Point can be visualized as this middle point between the two, a shared beginning. The name references the Roman god Janus who looks out to the past and the future, and who is associated with beginnings and transitions. The two sides of the Janus Point are not mirror images of one another.
Those tunnels that take you through the fabric of spacetime like a fast-speed highway. For some characters, they are repeated trips to the past, sometimes to bring a seed to the future, Sankofa style. They are also a danger to the book world. Watch out for wormholes ® is a fair warning from a press: maintain your books well, for those little holes you see in their pages are the tunnels other species have made while escaping the paper universe of words, the boundaries of a book. A good book is a wormhole, whether paper or pixels. Ask where it has taken you.
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