We took our next big step closer to our Kickstarter for Event Horizon… we made our Kickstarter prelaunch page public on the actual site of Kickstarter! This means the project is officially up on Kickstarter as ready to launch soon, kind of like rolling out the rocket to the launch pad to get ready for launch day. We’re officially a project about to launch for others to discover.
Notice anything? YES, we are launching as a PROJECT WE LOVE! This means Kickstarter thinks we got a pretty cool concept going on, and they gave us their seal of “LOVE THIS, LET’S GO GET THIS FUNDED!”
Many of you preregistered on our pre-launch page already, thank you! If you like clicking, you can also click on the Kickstarter page to be notified there too if you don’t mind a few megaphones in your email box on 4/9. Getting followers to this page helps build excitement in their algorithm and also signals to other people on the fence about whether to back: “Hey, what’s this crowd forming over here, let me go check out this project”. To get our book swag though, be sure you logged in our prelaunch page at januspointpress.com/eventhorizon as I can’t see who signs up for prelaunch on Kickstarter.
Either way you roll, see you there soon and…